Medicare Health Plans

Got Medicare? Got Questions?
More Plans equals More Choices!
Enrollment Portal for Medicare Plans
Enroll Now
The trusted carriers that I work with are:
Aetna | Anthem | BCBS | Centene | Cigna | Clover | Freedom
Humana | Simply | Ultimate
| UnitedHealthcare | WellCare

Call Toll Free: 888-883-6074

Ready to enroll right now? Visit one of my Enrollment Websites:
For Cigna and Florida Blue: Click HERE
For Humana: Click HERE
For Ultimate Health Plans: CLICK HERE
For Freedom and Simply in Florida: CLICK HERE
For WellCare and Ascension Complete: CLICK HERE
For Non-Medicare Preventative Care Insurance: CLICK HERE

Meet Your Personal Agent:

Are you currently enrolled in Medicare or planning to do so in the future? With so many options available, it’s understandable if you find the process confusing. As someone with 30 years of experience in the medical field, I have extensive knowledge of health insurance and can help you understand your options clearly.

Let’s work together to navigate your Medicare Health Plan options. As your personal agent, I will provide clear explanations to help you make informed decisions. My name is Jack McGlynn and I’m here to help.

Jack McGlynn. Your PERSONAL
Medicare Health Plan Agent
Jack and Kathryn McGlynn
Advantage Plans

Advantage Plans, also called Medicare Part C, are a type of plan that offers extra benefits on top of your Original Medicare coverage. These plans are unique to each location and may differ in the additional features they provide. Nonetheless, they ensure that you keep all your Original Medicare benefits while receiving more benefits at the same time.

Supplement Plans

Supplement Plans provide additional coverage to your Original Medicare program, just like their name suggests. However, it’s important to note that Supplement Plans generally do not cover prescription drugs.

Medicare and Insulin

You can thank Medicare for lower Insulin costs on part B and Part B plans. Find out more here.

Disclaimer: I can offer the plans available to you through the carriers with whom I contract. Having said that, there will be some plans in your location that I am do not work with. If you would like to enroll with a company that I am not contracted with, I will look into contacting them. A complete list of plans available to you can be found at or by calling 1-800-Medicare.

¿Está actualmente inscrito en Medicare o planea hacerlo en el futuro? Con tantas opciones disponibles, es comprensible si encuentra el proceso confuso. Como alguien con 25 años de experiencia en el campo médico, tengo un amplio conocimiento sobre seguros de salud y puedo ayudarlo a comprender claramente sus opciones.

Trabajemos juntos para navegar por sus opciones de plan de salud de Medicare. Como su agente personal, proporcionaré explicaciones claras para ayudarlo a tomar decisiones informadas. Mi nombre es Jack McGlynn y estoy aquí para ayudarlo.

No hablo muy bien español. Estoy aprendiendo. Utilizaré todas las herramientas disponibles para comunicarme con usted. Por favor, contácteme y por favor tenga paciencia. Mi experiencia y mi capacidad de preocuparme por usted como un individuo valioso lo harán valer la pena. Gracias.